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Native Instruments Machine Mikro MK3

47.000 kr Ekki á lager

Vörunúmer: 25707

Meet the new MASCHINE MIKRO MK3, your flexible, compact companion for making music with a laptop. Use it to tap out beats, play melodies, and build up tracks fast, fun, and hands-on. Want to start creating right away? We’ve thrown in everything you need including instruments, sounds, effects, and powerful tools like sampling and drum synths. The new Native Instruments Machine Mikro MK3 inherits the flexibility and power of its big brother Maschine MK3, in a more portable controller. The Maschine Mikro MK3 features some amazing updates on it's predecessor including a new sleek design, OLED screen, touchstrip and capacitive buttons. Further updates on the MK3 include larger velocity-sensitive pads for easy two-handed drumming, a dual-touch smart strip allows you to strum instruments, bend sounds and perform FX by sliding your fingers. As well as inputting sound into the 16 pads via pad mode, keyboard mode and step mode, there is now a chord mode for creating endless chord progressions further expanding your creative beat meaking options. The Maschine Mikro MK3 comes bundled with both Maschine Essentials (plus 1.6 GB Factory Selection), You also get full versions of three popular KOMPLETE plugins, worth over £300 (available for download from registration); MASSIVE, MONARK & REAKTOR PRISM synthesizers to get you more than geared up to tackle any production.