BOSS BD-2W Blues Driver
27.900 kr
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Vörunúmer: RO-BD-2W
Responsiveness Outshined With a Modernized Vintage Vibe
Passionately designed by the master engineers at BOSS in Japan, the Waza Craft BD-2W delivers a premium stomp experience that fans of customized pedal tone will love. Crafted with an ear for highly refined sound, the BD-2W takes the classic Blues Driver grit to a new level with all-discrete analog circuitry. Standard mode captures the classic BD-2 tone while Custom mode delivers new body and sustain.
Special edition Waza Craft pedal delivers the ultimate BOSS tone experience
Premium sound based on the classic BD-2 Blues Driver
Newly revised, all-analog discrete amplifier circuit
Standard and Custom sound modes
Highly responsive to picking dynamics and volume changes