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Larsen Virtuoso fiðlustrengir, sett - strong

11.200 kr Ekki á lager

Vörunúmer: SV226902

We offer Larsen Virtuoso strings in two tensions, medium and strong. Virtuoso medium and strong are both somewhat lower in tension than their conventional equivalent gauges. The medium tension strings show extraordinary string response, playability and sound modulation capability. The strong version is more focused in sound, more ‘soloistic’ and with higher resistance to the bow. Extremely well received and consistently reviewed as setting the new standard for the violin. The ambition was to create a truly innovative synthetic core string at only moderate tension yet capable of delivering a richly nuanced sound with exceptional volume. Eminently playable and noted for its remarkable string response and reliability the Larsen Virtuoso is now available as sets or individual strings with E ball or loop end. Purpose designed with moderated tension we offer medium and strong options to suit warm to neutral sounding instruments.