Neglur Neglur Dunlop Nylon Standard gítarnögl, 1.25mm, 12 stk 1.000 kr Á lager ... Bæta við körfu Ekki til á lager Vörunúmer: 44P1.25 Dunlop Nylon Standard Picks provide the warmth, flexibility, and resilience harnessed by numerous guitar legends to record some of rock 'n' roll's most iconic hits. Tengdar vörur Á lager Neglur Dunlop Alan Forbes Blackline Pick ,73mm Tin Assortment 1 1.450 kr Á lager Neglur Dunlop Animals as Leaders Pick Tin 1.840 kr Á lager Neglur Dunlop Big Stubby gítarnögl, 3mm, 6 stk 900 kr Á lager Neglur Dunlop Celluloid Orange Perloid gítarnögl, heavy, 12 stk 1.000 kr